Back-sparing Exercises for Gardening

One of the joys of this time of year is being able to garden or do fun things like berry picking.

Anyone who has tried these activities knows that your back might start to hurt from maintaining a bent forward position for an extended period of time. One reason this activity takes a toll is because you are using your body in a way that is generally not your normal, so your body is not trained for it.

That being said, you can do some training exercises to help you while you're gardening so that while you are doing your activity, your body will be trained to perform the activity. There are also some modifications you can do to help you tweak your positioning as you garden.

Read more about exercises for gardening as well as modifications in position in Dr. Marko's new guest feature in SpineUniverse.

If you would like help with an exercise program to meet your needs, Marko Physical Therapy can help.

Make an appointment today with a physical therapist. We have in person and telehealth appointments available.

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